Tools for Radical Resilience + Deep Re-membering
9 BIPOC artists + healers
9 moons
original offerings each month
The Resilience Collective was an online collective of 9 creators connected to the larger Rites of Passage: 20/20 Vision project, offering monthly classes, meditations, writing
& art for 9 lunar cycles from August 2020 to April 2021.
*The Resilience Collective Patreon was open to all cis and trans women, as well as non-binary people who are comfortable in a space that centers the experiences of women.
The world and our shared humanity within it are in a massive collective "rite of passage".
The Rites of Passage "Resilience Collective" was an emergent response to these times.
As old structures based in separation and control are being exposed, challenged, and ultimately dismantled, we need new, remembered ways that can sustain us in embodying our human potential for collectivity, compassion and mutual-respect. These are ways founded in connection, reverence for the Earth, and the circle of relatedness in which every being is a teacher. We believe that resilience is the foundation for building a just and regenerative world in our true likeness.
The Resilience Collective asked us: What does collective and personal resilience look like? What nurtures it?
And how can we support each other in building it? Together we co-wove a basket of medicine, remembrance and truth for these times, because a basket woven together in this way is stronger, more beautiful and of course - more resilient:)
Memberships startign at $3 for BIPOC // $9 sliding scale for non-BIPOC on PATREON:
*Each New + Full Moon, resilience offerings we've crafted for that lunar cycle's theme.
*A virtual community dedicated to honoring our unique personal + collective rites of passage, and to discovering + cultivating adaptive resilience in these changing times.
*Support for the voices, wisdom + artistic expression of women of color in the world at this pivotal moment in our human history. We believe that transformation happens simultaneously inside + outside of ourselves, and that resilience thrives in collectivity.

We offer personal practices and the vulnerability of our own stories to support
us all in continuing to heal and liberate
the wounded places within us and our world. Our offerings range from movement to music, integrated self-care, herbalism, rituals, writing and visual art to nurture and restore ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and politically.

We believe that the unique wisdom
of female Black, Indigenous,
and diverse People of Color voices
are the leading edge in the collective movement for co-creating an equitable and regenerative future.
We believe that within each of our ancestral lineages, lies wisdom waiting to be reclaimed.

Each month, our offerings are created around a shared theme and
the energy of each month's lunation, and are released before each New + Full Moon. In this way, we hope to support women + femmes in connecting more deeply with the natural cycles of the moon, the stars, and Earth.
re-connection = decolonization
re sil ience
“the ability to thrive by mirroring nature's
adaptability, limit damaging impacts, and evolve in the face of turbulent change, while nurturing healing, pleasure, and joy.”
-The Rites of Passage Resilience Collective

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
-Audre Lorde
Resilience Collective Logo / Header Artwork: Malaya Tuyay
Resilience Collective graphics: Pooja Prema
Elizabeth Blackshine in The Wise Wound
Devyn Harris in The Body Room