In our modern culture, there's virtually no acknowledgment of personal rites of
passage for women or any human being.
There’s almost no place to seek out ritual or community that would gift us life-giving support when we most need it.
This is what Rites of Passage seeks to offer.
ROP reclaims and expands the concept of
a “rite of passage” to recognize that every significant experience in a woman's life from birth to death - the beautiful and the ugly, the holy and profane - can be a liberatory initiation.
Through our live performance-installations,
and forthcoming virtual museum, film & large-format photo book of photos and essays, we hope to re-frame, education, inspire the way we see and live our lives as women & communities.

for the new century
The long-term dream for Rites of Passage is to become a kind of Vagina Monologues for the new century - enabling groups of women around the U.S. and the globe to create original, localized ROP ritual houses specific to the needs of their places and communities.
ROP is a visionary template - a ground from which new, fresh perspectives on initiation can be communally gestated and birthed.
This will eventually be made possible through the creation of the Rites of Passage Project book. Subsequent small & large scale projects will then be linked through this website, evolving a movement and network of creative resistance + resilience, and shared yet plural vision.

There can be no one definitive house
to contain a terrain as vast as
"women's rites of passage":
There are endless iterations/ rooms
for the "Collective Female Soul", as we
continue to evolve as a human collective.
In this way, Rites of Passage
honors and mirrors the cycle of
seed-to-flower-to-fruit and back again,
in hopes to nurture a regenerative and
fertile cultural- spiritual garden
for a world in crisis and emergence.

Feminist thinking teaches us all, especially,
how to love justice and freedom in ways that foster and affirm life.”
– Bell Hooks

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